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    Friday, January 13, 2017

    The Luxurius house of richiest man

    This is a some of the luxurius house  from owner of Microsoft to Facebook, the man Richiest in the world.

    the home of Bill Gates  with a high Technology
    the house of this richiest man is in  Medina , The Washiton,  the house is precisely on the shores of lake washiton. the house of bill gates have a name  Xanadu 2.0 and have area 0.6 hectares.

    The Luxurius house of richiest man

    The house of Amancio Ortega The  owner of  Zara Corp.
    this house is one of the richiest nam in World, Amancio Ortega, in this house he lived with his second wife and  his youngest daughter no many  people Known about this content of his house.
    This house is a Mark Zuckerberg house, the one of founder a big social media  in a world (Facebook ).
    mark Zuckerberg is one man with wealth most increased in recent year, his  succes bulding a facebook Social,
    this House  on  silicon Valley , Pao alto , in california , the house with price 7 milion dollar have a area building  500 m and have land area 1700 m square

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